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Games I have worked on

The Project:
VerstehMal – Das Wasser is a serious Game, that playfully teaches children the water cycle. From Ocean water, to human usage back into the natural water flow.
It is a coloring book app, that additionally features hidden collectibles and story cutscenes within the drawn images. The Story follows along two droplets of water to create a beautifully wholesome experience.
My Contribution: Development, Technical Art

The world Map
Here you would follow the two droplet characters around the whole water cycle.
Going from the ocean, to raining onto a village under the mountains, just to re-enter the cycle in a river to later come back to the ocean.

My Contribution: Game Design, Development

The Project:
Mind the G.A.P. is a game of catch, with a twist. Movement is all Newtonian Physics! Sling around plantes just like in outer space.
I developed this project as part of the masters course Game Programming at IT University of Copenhagen.
The lecture had us develop a 2D Game in C++ without the use of an out-of-the-box Engine, such as Unity. Therefore, this project was completely developed by hand using only the Physics library called Box2D

As this course was a masters course, and I hadn’t finished my bachelors, I wasn’t allowed to get any credit for it.
Which is why my Lecturer wrote me his personal Letter of Recommendation.
Save the Stollen
My Contribution: Development, Technical Art

The Project:
Save the Stollen is a VR game, or rather full room VR experience, that has been developed for the yearly exhibition at Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar,
In a multiprojector setup, the gameworld was projected onto several canvases spanning a whole attic. In there, the players where able to use the VR Controllers to draw lines onto the canvas and create a path for the bursting water to escape to.
Motion Capture Studio
My Contribution: Setup & Linux IT

The Project:
The Motion Capture Lecture at my Hochschule der Bildenden Künste had the need for a Motion Capture studio. Over the course of the lecture we set up a 12 camera and marker-less motion capturing room. Nowadays used for all kinds of projects.